Thursday, July 12, 2007

Dr. Strangelove

I loved this movie, It starts as a Drama, but as the movie progresses, you figure out that it is a comedy. and that too a holocaust comedy.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Clockwork Orange

Stanley Kubrick movies make you think, they make you think hard, his movies are work of art. A Clockwork Orange is a story set in future, the poster says "Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven."
IMDB Plot line quotes
"Stomping, whomping, stealing, singing, tap-dancing, violating, Derby-topped teddy-boy hooligan Alex (Malcolm McDowell) has his own way of having a good time. He has it at the tragic expense of others. Alex's journey from amoral punk to brainwashed proper citizen forms the dynamic arc of Stanley Kubrick's future-shook vision of Anthony Burgess's novel. Unforgettable images, startling musical counterpoints, the fascinating language used by Alex and his pals - Kubrick shapes them into a shattering whole. Hugely controversial when first released, A Clockwork Orange won the New York Film Critics Best Picture and Director honors and earned four Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture. The power of its art is such that it still entices, shocks, and holds us in its grasp. Written by Jenna Quaranta"

What I liked about the movie -> Brutal honesty in depicting the decadence that has set in, the movie starts in a milk bar, and the first scene sets the tone for rest of the movie. The shock Quotient is something that one has to experience, Soundtrack doesn't accentuate the violence, but you loath all the violence, depicted in all the gory details. Rape sequences don't titillate as they do in most of the movies. Youth gone awry, the collapse of society, all painted on canvas in brutal honesty.
I can imagine the controversy this movie would have created back in 1972. It was released on 2nd of feb, which happens to be my birthday :-)
Stanley Kubrick is one of the few directors who had the balls to stick to their vision. I admire the man and his movies.